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Run Sandworm Audit for your App

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Hold on, we're currently generating a fresh version of this report
Package created
18 Jul 2015
Version published
22 Dec 2023
Total deps
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Generating a report...
Hold on while we generate a fresh audit report for this package.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does systeminformation do?

Systeminformation is a powerful, lightweight system and OS information library for Node.js. It offers a collection of over 50 functions that allow you to retrieve detailed information about the hardware, system, and OS, such as CPU info, memory, battery, graphics, disks/filesystem, network, Docker, services, and processes. It supports Linux, macOS, Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, SunOS, and Android, and doesn't have any external npm dependencies. This library operates on the backend or server-side and does not function within a browser.

How do you use systeminformation?

To use Systeminformation, you first need to install it via npm with one of the following commands in your project directory:

npm install systeminformation --save


npm i systeminformation

After installation, you can import the library into your JavaScript file and utilize its functions. Given that all functions (except version and time) are implemented asynchronously, they should be used in either a promise style or an async/await style.

An example of using the cpu() function in a promise-style way would be:

const si = require('systeminformation');

  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

The function first retrieves CPU information and then logs it to the console.

Where are the systeminformation docs?

The documentation for Systeminformation is located on systeminformation.io. Here, you can find a comprehensive function reference along with examples that outline the use of each function provided by the library. The documentation also contains details about the supported OS for each function, ensuring that you have all the necessary information before you start developing with Systeminformation.