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Package summary
Package created
21 Oct 2019
Version published
6 Feb 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does internal-slot do?

Internal-Slot is a functional npm package created to provide truly private storage, like the internal slots concept in JavaScript specification. It aims to act as a secure and private storage medium when coding in JavaScript. The package utilizes a WeakMap when available, falls back to a Map if the WeakMap is not present, and finally resorts to a standard object in older engines. Precisely, it tailors its performance and garbage collection behavior according to the environment's capabilities.

How do you use internal-slot?

To use the internal-slot package, you first need to install it via npm, deploy it into your JavaScript code, and use its functions as accordingly. Here is a basic code snippet illustrating how to work with internal-slot:

var SLOT = require('internal-slot');
var assert = require('assert');

var o = {};

assert.throws(function () { SLOT.assert(o, 'foo'); });

assert.equal(SLOT.has(o, 'foo'), false);
assert.equal(SLOT.get(o, 'foo'), undefined);

SLOT.set(o, 'foo', 42);

assert.equal(SLOT.has(o, 'foo'), true);
assert.equal(SLOT.get(o, 'foo'), 42);

assert.doesNotThrow(function () { SLOT.assert(o, 'foo'); });

In this code, you're first requiring the internal-slot package and then assigning an empty object to a variable. You can use the SLOT.set method to store data (42 in this case) with a key value ('foo' in this case). Similarly, SLOT.get and SLOT.has help you fetch and verify the data respectively.

Where are the internal-slot docs?

You can find the documentation and further usage details for the internal-slot package on the GitHub repository page linked in the README. Explore the git+https://github.com/ljharb/internal-slot.git URL for a detailed overview. Currently, the README file of the package serves as the primary source of documentation. Be sure to check out this GitHub repository to get deeper insights into installation, usage, and test scenarios associated with this package.