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eslint-scope 8.0.0

ECMAScript scope analyzer for ESLint
Package summary
Package created
17 Mar 2017
Version published
4 Jan 2024
Total deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does eslint-scope do?

ESLint-Scope is a sophisticated ECMAScript scope analyzer used within ESLint. It's essentially a fork of escope, another popular ECMAScript scope analyzer. It provides developers with an in-depth tool to analyze the scopes within their ECMAScript code, making it easier to understand variable and function scopes in their projects. Following best practices in ECMAScript is of utmost importance to maintain clean, optimized, and SEO-friendly JavaScript code, and this is where eslint-scope comes into play.

How do you use eslint-scope?

ESLint-Scope can be integrated into your JavaScript or Node.js project by simply installing it through npm. Use the following command to add ESLint-Scope to your project:

npm i eslint-scope --save

You can then import ESLint-Scope in either an ECMAScript module (ESM) or CommonJS file:

import * as eslintScope from 'eslint-scope';

const eslintScope = require('eslint-scope');

Use it in your project to analyze and manage your ECMAScript code scopes. For instance, you can use it together with Espree and Estraverse:

import * as eslintScope from 'eslint-scope';
import * as espree from 'espree';
import estraverse from 'estraverse';

const ast = espree.parse(code, { range: true });
const scopeManager = eslintScope.analyze(ast);

let currentScope = scopeManager.acquire(ast);   // global scope
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
    enter (node, parent) {

        if (/Function/.test(node.type)) {
            currentScope = scopeManager.acquire(node);  // get current function scope
    leave(node, parent) {
        if (/Function/.test(node.type)) {
            currentScope = currentScope.upper;  // set to parent scope

Where are the eslint-scope docs?

Detailed documentation for ESLint-Scope can be found directly on its GitHub page, which is https://github.com/eslint/eslint-scope. The documentation includes installation instructions, usage examples, and guidelines for contributing. Understanding ESLint-Scope better will potentially provide you an edge in writing clean, SEO-friendly JavaScript code by following best ECMAScript practices.