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@types/react 18.2.50

TypeScript definitions for react
Package summary
Package created
17 May 2016
Version published
1 Feb 2024
Total deps
Direct deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does @types/react do?

The npm package "@types/react" provides TypeScript definitions for React. This library is essential for developers using TypeScript with React, as it offers proper type checking and editor support for React components, functions, props, and other elements in your TypeScript-React codebase. Its goals are to maintain and enhance TypeScript's interaction with the React library.

How do you use @types/react?

Installing and using @types/react in your TypeScript-React project is simple and straightforward. After initializing your project and setting up React, you can add @types/react package to your development dependencies using npm or yarn - the standard package managers for JavaScript. Here is how you do this:

For npm:

npm install --save-dev @types/react

For Yarn:

yarn add --dev @types/react

After installation, TypeScript can recognize and validate types in your React code. For example, consider a React component:

import React, { FunctionComponent } from 'react';

type Props = {
  title: string;
  isActive: boolean;

const MyComponent: FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ title, isActive }) => (
    {title} - {isActive ? "Active" : "Inactive"}

export default MyComponent;

In this code, MyComponent is a React functional component that accepts a Props object. This Props object has been typed to contain title as a string and isActive as a boolean. @types/react helps TypeScript to understand and validate these types within your React code.

Where are the @types/react docs?

Regarding documentation for @types/react, they can be found directly from the source code on the GitHub repository DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped. The definitions for React are written and maintained by the contributors of the DefinitelyTyped repository. You can navigate to the "react" folder in the repository to see the TypeScript definitions and related comments describing the types and interfaces for React.