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robmorgan/phinx 2.0.1

Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app.
Package summary
Package created
20 Oct 2012
Version published
10 Sep 2023
Total deps
Direct deps
Error Generating Report

Frequently Asked Questions

What does robmorgan/phinx do?

The robmorgan/phinx is a highly efficient database migration tool designed specifically for PHP applications. Simplifying database management, Phinx allows for easy creation of database migrations in less than five minutes using database-agnostic PHP code. In addition, it offers the ability to migrate up and down as well as migrate on deployment. It also includes features such as seed data after database creation and easy integration with any app. The best part is that it does all this without the complexities of a database ORM system or framework.

How do you use robmorgan/phinx?

Using robmorgan/phinx is as straightforward as it comes. You can quickly install it using Composer, which is the fastest way to add it into your project. First, you need to install Composer itself with this command:

curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Then, you can add Phinx as a dependency using Composer:

php composer.phar require robmorgan/phinx

Now, you can install Phinx:

php composer.phar install

Finally, to execute Phinx, use the following command:

php vendor/bin/phinx

You can also build Phinx as a Phar archive using the Box application. Clone Phinx from GitHub, install Composer, install the Phinx dependencies, install Box, and create a Phar archive.

Where are the robmorgan/phinx docs?

For comprehensive documentation on the usage and capabilities of robmorgan/phinx, you can refer to the official documentation. It provides detailed insights into the various features and functionalities of the package. The documentation is maintained and updated frequently to ensure users have the latest and most accurate information. There's also a Chinese translation of the documentation available, maintained by @tsy12321.