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drush/drush 12.5.0

Drush is a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
Package summary
Package created
2 May 2013
Version published
18 Mar 2024
Total deps
Direct deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does drush/drush do?

Drush, also known as the Drupal Shell, is a comprehensive command line utility and Unix scripting interface specifically designed for Drupal. Acting as a robust Swiss Army knife for developers, it boosts efficiency by enabling them to perform a multitude of Drupal tasks right from the command prompt.

How do you use drush/drush?

To use Drush, it needs to be installed and executed via the command line. Start by installing Drush using Composer, in your command line, type the following code:

composer require drush/drush

Once installed, an extensive list of commands allow you to interact with Drupal directly from the command prompt. Here's an example:

drush status

This command will display the status report of your Drupal installation, similar to the report you would see in a Drupal administrative interface. Another common use of Drush is to clear the cache. Here's the command to do just that:

drush cache-clear all

Different versions of Drush support different Drupal versions. So, depending on the Drupal version you're using, you may need to use a corresponding Drush version.

Where are the drush/drush docs?

Full documentation for Drush, along with usage examples and explanatory content, can be found at www.drush.org. This site is the primary resource for obtaining the most up-to-date information about Drush. Users seeking support may also post queries on Drupal Answers using the tag 'drush' and report bugs, request features, or report security vulnerabilities on the GitHub Drush Issue Queue. Lastly, contributors are encouraged to use pull requests (PRs) to help enhance Drush.