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Npm ZooKeeper Libraries

Most Popular Npm ZooKeeper Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
node-zookeeper-client32.09 kBMIT10 Years15 Jun 2022
zookeeper1.36 MBMIT13 Years7 Aug 2023
node-zookeeper-dubbo46.27 kBISC8 Years13 Feb 2019
express-microservice-starter13.1 kBISC8 Years7 Mar 2019
zoologist21.52 kBISC8 Years20 Jan 2017
locators19.98 kBISC9 Years13 Oct 2017
zk-ultralight10.45 kBApache10 Years4 Sep 2015
dubbozoo7.11 kBApache6 Years17 Feb 2017
node-zookeeper-client-async437.37 kBMIT6 Years23 Oct 2017
node-disconf-client12.11 kBMIT7 Years30 Nov 2016
dubbo7.9 kBMIT7 Years3 Nov 2018
zk-redis-queue4.2 kBBSD10 Years24 Sep 2013
iservice-client83.8 kBUNKNOWN11 Years10 Jan 2013
kuebk-zookeeper840.59 kBUNKNOWN12 Years4 Mar 2016
zoodubbo20.98 kBMIT7 Years18 Sep 2017

When are Zookeeper Libraries Useful

Zookeeper libraries are vital components in JavaScript development when building distributed applications. By managing service discovery, election and coordination of processes, these libraries simplify the task of maintaining system consistency across multi-node clusters.

  1. Distributed Coordination: Zookeeper libraries provide a foolproof way of coordinating actions and maintaining consistency in a distributed environment. They are crucial in scenarios where we need to manage services deployed over several nodes and ensure all these services work together seamlessly.

  2. Synchronization: They play an essential role in maintaining sync across application states replicated across different nodes. This helps in ensuring that even if a single node goes down, the service keeps running smoothly.

  3. Configuration Management: One of the most common use cases of Zookeeper libraries lies in tracking and managing configuration data for distributed applications. They help in storing and monitoring changes to configuration data across different nodes.

  4. Failover Support: It ensures minimal downtime as it enables quick failover for distributed applications. If a node fails, work can be quickly reassigned to another functioning node.

What Functionalities do Zookeeper Libraries Usually Have

Zookeeper libraries provide a lot of robust features aimed at maintaining the reliability and scalability of distributed applications. Some of the core functionalities provided by these libraries are as follows:

  1. Sequential Consistency: Updates from a client are applied in the order they are sent.

  2. Atomicity: Updates either succeed or fail. There are no partial results.

  3. Testability: Zookeeper libraries provide options for testing the health of the system and individual nodes, enabling developers to ensure the reliable performance of the software.

  4. Security: They offer built-in security features to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

  5. Replicated Data: Data stored in Zookeeper is replicated over all nodes ensuring high availability and reliability.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

Navigating the complexities of Zookeeper libraries can present a number of pitfalls. Here are some of the issues to watch out for:

  1. Performance Issues: While Zookeeper libraries are designed to be robust and reliable, they can sometimes cause performance issues when a large number of nodes are involved. It's important to keep a check on the scale of the distributed system.

  2. System Overhead: Running Zookeeper processes involves system overhead. Over-reliance can lead to a system slowdown. It's essential to manage resources wisely.

  3. Slow Zookeeper operations: Operations might take a while and might even block indefinitely if the Zookeeper ensemble is undergoing a leader election. Therefore, handling timeouts properly is crucial.

  4. Understand the Guarantee: Understand the different levels of guarantee Zookeeper offers. Strong consistency is guaranteed on a per-client basis, but total order of all updates is not guaranteed.