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Npm YAML Libraries

Most Popular Npm YAML Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
js-yaml99.96 kBMIT12 Years14 Apr 2021
interpret4.75 kBMIT9 Years29 Jun 2022
yamljs150.28 kBMIT11 Years24 Jun 2017
gray-matter11.5 kBMIT10 Years24 Apr 2021
front-matter4.38 kBMIT11 Years29 May 2020
metalsmith27.74 kBMIT9 Years11 Jul 2023
yaml-ast-parser84.9 kBApache-2.07 Years15 Nov 2018
swagger-parser6.76 kBMIT9 Years15 Aug 2021
convict12.69 kBApache-2.012 Years7 Jan 2023
@apidevtools/swagger-parser18.79 kBMIT3 Years13 May 2022
yaml-eslint-parser18.21 kBMIT3 Years9 May 2023
remark-frontmatter7.25 kBMIT6 Years18 Sep 2023
read-yaml-file1.86 kBMIT5 Years11 Feb 2021
load-grunt-config5.65 kBMIT10 Years20 Aug 2021
yaml-loader2.92 kBMIT9 Years26 Apr 2022

When Are YAML Libraries Useful

YAML libraries are essential in several scenarios that revolve around data serialization and deserialization, configuration data storage, and data communication between languages that don't support the same data structures.

  1. Data Serialization and Deserialization: YAML libraries can be used to encode and decode data structures like objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and others in a format that is both human-readable and parsable by a machine.

  2. Configuration Files: YAML libraries are especially useful in creating and managing configuration files. YAML is frequently used for configuration files in various applications because it is straightforward to write and read. Thus, it helps developers to more easily understand the configuration and make any necessary changes.

  3. Data Communication: If you're working on interfacing multiple programming languages that do not natively share similar data structures, YAML libraries can be valuable. The library would encode data from one language and then decode it in another, thus facilitating smooth data communication.

What Functionalities Do YAML Libraries Usually Have

Several functionalities are typically provided by YAML libraries. Including, but not limited to:

  1. Parsing: The library can read YAML files or strings and turn them into usable objects, arrays, and other data structures in the language you're using. This is essential for reading configuration files or other data sources stored in YAML format.

  2. Stringifying: The library can take an object, array, or other data structure and turn it into a YAML-formatted string or file. This is useful for creating configuration or data storage files on the fly.

  3. Linting and Validation: Some libraries also include tools for linting YAML files β€” checking them for syntax errors, unused variables, and other common mistakes. Validation tools can check the structure of a YAML file or string against a preset schema, ensuring that the data has the correct structure.

Gotchas/Pitfalls To Look Out For

When using YAML libraries and YAML itself, some pitfalls could trip you up if you're not careful:

  1. Whitespace and Indentation: YAML is extremely sensitive to whitespace and indentation. One incorrect space can lead to parsing errors or incorrect data conversion. Always double-check your spacing and indentation when writing YAML by hand and use a linter if possible.

  2. Complex Data Structures: While YAML can represent complex data structures, not all languages can interpret those structures the same way. Always test parsing and stringifying complex data structures to ensure consistency.

  3. Specificity with NPM Package Management: If using the YAML library with NPM, ensure that the library is compatible with your current Node.js version. Also, consider the library's maintenance status, as unmaintained libraries can lead to dependencies problems, possibly causing your project's build to fail.