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Npm XML Parser Libraries

Most Popular Npm XML Parser Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
xml2js838.3 kBMIT12 Years26 Jul 2023
htmlparser231.5 kBMIT12 Years10 May 2023
entities75.55 kBBSD-2-Clause12 Years13 Apr 2023
xmlbuilder61.4 kBMIT13 Years8 Apr 2020
interpret4.75 kBMIT9 Years29 Jun 2022
fast-xml-parser29.23 kBMIT7 Years30 Jul 2023
file-type21.57 kBMIT9 Years4 Jun 2023
xml6.65 kBMIT12 Years31 Jan 2016
unist-util-visit1 BMIT8 Years7 Jul 2023
dom-serializer6.66 kBMIT9 Years9 Apr 2022
js2xmlparser14.25 kBApache-2.011 Years20 Sep 2022
xmldom26.52 kBMIT12 Years17 Apr 2021
xml-js104.23 kBMIT7 Years13 Feb 2019
xpath39.46 kBMIT11 Years14 Jul 2023
plist142.01 kBMIT12 Years6 Jul 2023

When are XML Parser Libraries Useful?

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) Parser libraries are immensely valuable in a plethora of scenarios. Here are few key situations where they gain importance:

  1. Parsing XML Data - Reading XML data is a conventional use case. These libraries assist in parsing the data and converting it into a more usable format like JSON or JavaScript objects. Especially when dealing with large datasets or APIs that return data in XML format, these libraries prove to be extremely beneficial.

  2. Data Interchange - XML is designed to transport and store data. When you need to exchange data between web browsers and servers, XML parser libraries come in handy.

  3. Configurations - Many applications and servers use XML for configuration files. XML Parsers can be used to read these configurations and load them into the application.

What Functionalities do XML Parser Libraries Usually Have?

XML Parser Libraries usually have the following features:

  1. DOM Parsing - DOM XML parsers load the entire XML document all at once into memory, creating a tree-like structure. This allows for easy navigation and manipulation of the XML document.

  2. SAX Parsing - SAX XML parsers read the XML document sequentially from top to bottom, issuing parsing events (start tag, end tag, text, etc) as it moves through the document. It's more complex but memory-friendly especially for large files.

  3. Error Handling - Well-established libraries typically include error handlers which enable drawn-out analysis and debugging of any issues that arise during parsing.

  4. Namespaces Support - Many libraries offer support for XML namespaces, a feature that helps prevent name conflicts.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

While XML parser libraries are powerful tools, they are not without their pitfalls:

  1. Memory Consumption - DOM parsers load the entire XML document into memory, this can be problematic with larger XML files, possibly resulting in out-of-memory errors.

  2. Handling Large Files - SAX parsers are ideal for large XML files, but their usage can be complex since they need to handle state manually.

  3. XML Vulnerabilities - External entities can potentially lead to XXE (XML External Entity) attacks if the XML parser is poorly configured.

  4. Incomplete Documentation - Many libraries lack extensive documentation, which could complicate their usage and limit their functionality. Ensure to check this before deciding on a library.

  5. Performance Overheads - Some libraries might introduce performance overhead, especially during the conversion of XML to JSON or any other iteration and extraction process. It's essential to perform benchmark testing to identify the right parser for your needs.

Remember, the npm package management system provides a range of XML parsers with varying functionalities. Choose a parser that best suits your requirements, and keep the aforementioned points in mind when integrating it into your JavaScript application.