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Npm TOML Libraries

Most Popular Npm TOML Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
interpret4.75 kBMIT9 Years29 Jun 2022
gray-matter11.5 kBMIT10 Years24 Apr 2021
toml20.88 kBMIT10 Years30 Jan 2019
convict12.69 kBApache-2.012 Years7 Jan 2023
@iarna/toml22.86 kBISC7 Years22 Apr 2020
remark-frontmatter7.25 kBMIT6 Years18 Sep 2023
mdast-util-frontmatter6.45 kBMIT3 Years14 Sep 2023
tomlify-j0.49.11 kBMIT8 Years1 Nov 2017
micromark-extension-frontmatter9.61 kBMIT3 Years27 Jun 2023
remark-mdx-frontmatter3.11 kBMIT2 Years23 Apr 2023
cosmiconfig-toml-loader1.77 kBMIT3 Years25 Jun 2020
prettier-plugin-toml6.92 kBMIT4 Years2 Aug 2023
config-lite1.97 kBMIT8 Years7 Apr 2020
eslint-plugin-toml25.09 kBMIT3 Years9 May 2023
json2toml2.65 kBMIT10 Years3 Jun 2023

When are TOML Libraries Useful?

TOML libraries can come in handy when dealing with configuration files. This is because TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) is a popular and straightforward data serialization language that's widely used for configuration files. It is easy to read and write due to its minimal syntax, which makes it a user-friendly option for both humans and machines.

TOML libraries are instrumental in JavaScript projects when you want to parse TOML configuration files using Node.js and the npm package manager. These libraries mitigate the need to manually parse these configuration files, thus saving developers a significant amount of time and effort.

Also, in large projects where there is a need to maintain internationalization (i18n) configuration across different locales, TOML becomes useful. The i18n configuration files can be kept in TOML format and utilized across different sections of the project.

What Functionalities do TOML Libraries Usually Have?

TOML libraries generally have the following functionalities:

  1. Parsing: They can parse TOML strings into JavaScript objects. This is useful when reading configuration files written in TOML.

  2. Stringifying: They can convert JavaScript objects back into TOML strings. This can be used when you want to write configuration data back to a TOML file.

  3. Error detection and reporting: When parsing a TOML string, the libraries can detect syntax errors and report them in an easy to understand manner.

  4. Support for all TOML features: The libraries should offer full support for all the features and datatypes supported by the TOML specification, such as integers, floats, booleans, datetime, arrays, and tables.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look out For

When using TOML libraries with JavaScript and npm, there are few gotchas and potential pitfalls that developers should be aware of:

  1. TOML and JSON compatibility: Although TOML is often compared to JSON due to their similar purposes, the two are not interchangeable. Specific JSON constructions might not have a direct or valid representation in TOML. Thus, it's key to be aware of the structural and syntactic differences between the two.

  2. Version compatibility: TOML has gone through several versions, each extending and modifying the language specification. Not all libraries may fully support the latest features of the most recent TOML specification. Always check to see which version of TOML a library supports before using it.

  3. Undefined is not writable: When working on JavaScript, during the conversion process from a JavaScript object to TOML, remember that JavaScript's undefined is not a writable TOML entity. Therefore, objects containing undefined properties might lead to unexpected output or errors.

  4. Error Handling: Reading and writing of TOML files can lead to exceptions, both in parsing and stringifying. Ensure proper error handling measures are in place when implementing TOML functionality.

By keeping these points in mind, developers can mitigate common issues and get the most out of TOML libraries in their JavaScript projects.