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Npm Testing Libraries

Most Popular Npm Testing Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
jest2.27 kBMIT11 Years12 Sep 2023
chai137.11 kBMIT12 Years24 Aug 2023
kind-of7.47 kBMIT9 Years16 Jan 2020
mocha469.71 kBMIT12 Years11 Dec 2022
ansi-regex2.7 kBMIT9 Years10 Sep 2021
sinon1.25 MBBSD-3-Clause13 Years13 Sep 2023
is-number3.64 kBMIT9 Years4 Jul 2018
invariant3.01 kBMIT9 Years13 Mar 2018
p-locate3 kBMIT7 Years25 Aug 2021
jest-cli9.85 kBMIT9 Years12 Sep 2023
balanced-match2.66 kBMIT10 Years6 Apr 2021
is-glob4.16 kBMIT9 Years29 Sep 2021
supertest7.43 kBMIT11 Years7 Dec 2022
shebang-regex1.67 kBMIT8 Years13 Aug 2021
is-plain-obj1.92 kBMIT8 Years15 Jun 2022

When are they useful?

Testing in software development is fundamental to ensure reliability and effectiveness of your software. Your software dependencies, especially those managed with npm package manager, need to be tested at two different stages:

  1. Before installation: It is recommended to test a package before installing it into your project by looking through its documentation and source code if available. This allows you to understand what the package does, how it does it, and if there might be any future compatibility issues.

  2. After installation: Once installed, testing is necessary to confirm the package's functionality and it doesn't harm any existing functionality of your project.

What functionalities do they usually have?

Testing dependencies mainly provide two functionalities:

  1. Unit Testing: The smallest parts of the software, known as units, are tested individually. The goal is to verify that each unit works as intended.

  2. Integration Testing: After unit testing, the different units of the software are combined and tested as a group. This is done to ensure that the units work well together.

Some advanced testing dependencies also provide functionalities including end-to-end testing, performance testing, and security testing amongst others.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Despite the numerous benefits offered by testing dependencies, several pitfalls may hamper their effectiveness:

  1. Version Conflicts: In case you are using multiple packages in your npm project, there may be several dependencies with different versions which could lead to conflicts.

  2. Poor Documentation: Some dependencies come with poor documentation which makes it difficult to understand their functionality or to debug issues when they arise.

  3. Unmaintained Dependencies: Packages that are old or no longer maintained may have vulnerabilities that can risk your project's security.

  4. Breaking Changes in Updates: Frequent updates are common in npm packages. However, these updates may include breaking changes. Testing should be done extensively when updates are involved.

Always remember to delve into a package's documentation before usage, and ensure to keep your packages updated given you've tested them thoroughly in your development environment first.

Attention to these details decreases software defects, improves reliability, and ensures a smooth user experience.