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Npm SVG Libraries

Most Popular Npm SVG Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
svgo243.27 kBMIT11 Years18 Nov 2022
d3227.86 kBISC12 Years3 Jun 2023
sharp120.91 kBApache-2.010 Years18 Sep 2023
image-size13.26 kBMIT10 Years12 Jul 2022
three5.85 MBMIT11 Years5 Sep 2023
dompurify194.72 kB(MPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0)9 Years11 Jul 2023
echarts7.77 MBApache-2.08 Years23 Mar 2023
@svgr/webpack5.25 kBMIT5 Years15 Aug 2023
d3-shape50.19 kBISC8 Years20 Dec 2022
imagemin3.18 kBMIT10 Years11 Aug 2021
gulp-imagemin3.52 kBMIT10 Years12 Aug 2021
ionicons1.23 MBMIT8 Years30 May 2023
@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons1021.96 kB(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT)5 Years2 Aug 2023
@svgr/core6.74 kBMIT5 Years15 Aug 2023
d3-path5.62 kBISC8 Years19 Dec 2022

When are SVG Libraries Useful

Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) libraries provide a powerful toolset for creating, manipulating, and animating two-dimensional vector graphic content. SVGs are particularly useful in several instances:

  1. Scalability: Unlike raster images, SVGs can be resized without any loss of quality. SVG libraries allow developers to generate and transform graphics that would look crisp and clear at any scale.

  2. Animations and Interactions: SVG libraries provide granular control over every element in an SVG file, making it possible to add interactive elements or complex animations that would be hard or impossible with traditional image files.

  3. Performance: Since SVGs are defined by vectors and not by pixels, they usually boast smaller file sizes, improving load times and overall website performance.

  4. Accessibility: SVGs can be read by screen readers and thus improve the accessibility of web applications.

  5. Use of Styles and Scripts: SVGs can leverage CSS and JavaScript for styling and animation, which aligns well with modern web development practices.

What Functionalities do SVG Libraries Usually Have

SVG libraries typically provide functionalities aimed at simplifying the process of generating and manipulating SVG content. Among the common functionalities provided by SVG libraries are:

  1. Drawing tools: Allows developers to programmatically generate various shapes like circles, squares, paths, rectangles, and custom shapes with paths.

  2. Transformations: Includes rotation, scaling, skewing, and translation, allowing developers to position SVG elements with pixel perfection.

  3. Styling: SVG libraries expose interfaces for adding styles to the SVG elements. It mirrors the CSS properties that can be applied to any HTML element.

  4. Animation: Simplify the task of animating SVG elements, whether through simple animations like moving an object from A to B, or complex animations involving element transformations.

  5. DOM Manipulation: SVG libraries offer a set of APIs to manipulate SVG DOM tree, enabling developers to programmatically add or remove elements.

  6. Event Handling: They also incorporate APIs for handling events, such as user input.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out for

While SVG libraries provide a host of benefits, there are potential pitfalls or gotchas to be aware of:

  1. Cross-browser Compatibility: Despite SVGs being standard, their implementation may vary across browsers, leading to inconsistencies. Some libraries may not be fully compatible with all browsers.

  2. Performance Concerns: While SVGs are typically performance-efficient, complex animations or a large number of SVG elements can lead to performance issues.

  3. Complexity: The process of creating complex shapes or animations can be tricky and might require a steep learning curve.

  4. File Sizes: Whilst SVGs are usually smaller than their bitmap equivalents, very complex SVGs can have large file sizes which can affect download times and consume more memory.

  5. Dependencies: It is important to understand the dependencies of the SVG library you are using, especially since npm packages often have their own dependencies. Troublesome updates or licensing changes in these dependencies can have a knock-on effect.

Note: It is important to always read and understand the documentation of the SVG libraries you use, particularly in regards to browser compatibility and dependencies.