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Npm State Management Libraries

Most Popular Npm State Management Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
redux33.92 kBMIT12 Years28 Jan 2023
zustand48.83 kBMIT4 Years6 Aug 2023
private5.12 kBMIT10 Years13 Oct 2017
xstate146.42 kBMIT6 Years27 Jul 2023
react-side-effect5.29 kBMIT8 Years26 Jun 2022
state-toggle2.3 kBMIT7 Years14 Nov 2022
@xstate/react14.47 kBMIT4 Years26 Apr 2023
jotai64.84 kBMIT3 Years7 Sep 2023
@xstate/fsm10.59 kBMIT4 Years21 Jun 2023
machina62.34 kB(MIT OR GPL)11 Years27 Oct 2018
gojs12.26 MBSEE LICENSE IN license.html8 Years11 Sep 2023
dfa28.65 kBMIT9 Years17 Jun 2019
react-clientside-effect4.74 kBMIT5 Years7 May 2022
valtio57.95 kBMIT3 Years12 Aug 2023
react-tween-state12.25 kBBSD9 Years28 Apr 2016

When are state management libraries useful?

State management libraries are especially useful when you are building larger applications with complex requirements and substantial user interfaces. They provide an easy way to manage and manipulate the state, or the data, of an application.

When an application grows and becomes more complicated, the need for managing state becomes more apparent. Handling state changes directly within a component can lead to code bloating and performance issues. Parameters need to be passed around several layers and the logic of what to do when state changes could be scattered all over these layers.

State management libraries can help streamline, simplify, and standardize how changes in state are handled across an application, reducing bugs and making the code easier to understand and debug.

Moreover, when you need to persist some state between different parts of the app or different routes, a state management library can be a good choice.

What functionalities do state management libraries usually have?

The specific functionalities of state management libraries can vary, but they generally offer some or all of the following:

  1. State Storage: This is the most basic functionality allowing applications to store their state in a convenient place accessible from anywhere in the application.

  2. State Manipulation: This feature provides ways to modify the current state of the application.

  3. Listen to State Changes: Libraries generally have the ability to subscribe to specific changes in state, triggering updates when these changes occur.

  4. Middleware/Intercepting actions: State management libraries often provide middleware features, which allow developers to add custom behavior in between dispatching an action and the moment it reaches the reducer.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

While helpful, state management libraries also have their pitfalls:

  • Overuse: State management libraries can be powerful, but using them unnecessarily can add an overhead to your app. Not all state needs to be global.

  • Understanding Concepts: State management libraries often introduce new programming concepts, such as reducers, actions, dispatchers, and more. Understanding these concepts is crucial to effectively use the library.

  • Danger of Mutable State: The state in your app should be immutable. Mutable state might lead to unpredictable app behavior. Many libraries help you enforce this, but it's important to understand and adhere to this principle.

  • Compatibility Issues: State management libraries carry compatibility concerns. Some libraries may not play well with certain environments or libraries, especially when it comes to server-side rendering or asynchronous actions.

Regarding npm specifically, always verify that the package you're going to install is actively maintained, well-documented, and have a healthy number of downloads and contributors. You can view this information in the package page on npmjs.com.

Remember to specify exact versions of your state management libraries in your package.json to avoid unexpected breaking changes in minor or patch updates.

Lastly, always audit your npm packages for security vulnerabilities with the npm audit command.