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Npm Rich Text Editor Libraries

Most Popular Npm Rich Text Editor Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
quill471.43 kBBSD-3-Clause11 Years9 Sep 2019
slate390.99 kBMIT11 Years9 May 2023
tinymce1.45 MBMIT9 Years30 Aug 2023
react-quill87.15 kBMIT9 Years3 Aug 2022
medium-editor615.47 kBMIT10 Years20 Dec 2017
slate-react624.44 kBMIT6 Years18 Sep 2023
ngx-quill77.05 kBMIT7 Years4 May 2023
@ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine566.92 kBGPL-2.0-or-later7 Years6 Sep 2023
lexical134.69 kBMIT9 Years8 Sep 2023
grapesjs2.37 MBBSD-3-Clause8 Years17 Sep 2023
trix405.48 kBMIT8 Years17 May 2023
froala-editor1.68 MBhttps://www.froala.com/wysiwyg-editor/pricing9 Years12 Sep 2023
@tiptap/core354.9 kBMIT3 Years15 Sep 2023
simplemde637.39 kBMIT8 Years14 Jun 2016
@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core63.98 kBGPL-2.0-or-later7 Years6 Sep 2023

When are rich text editor libraries useful?

Rich text editors (RTE) are highly potent and widely used in web and applications development. They provide a user-friendly interface, helping users to enter and modify text dynamically. These libraries are especially useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Content Management Systems (CMS): Whether it's a blog system, e-commerce platform, or a full-fledged CMS, many require a way for operators to write and edit content. RTEs provide an interactive UI for creating and formatting this content.

  2. Email clients: Email clients like Gmail, Outlook, etc., use RTEs to allow users to draft emails with various formatting options such as bold, italics, links, and color.

  3. Web applications: Any web application that requires users to enter a substantial amount of text can benefit from using a rich text editor. Such applications can range from note-taking apps, coding platforms to collaborative document editing engines.

  4. Customization: When you require a deep level of customization that a regular textarea cannot achieve. With RTEs, you can add extra buttons, customize existing functions, and build custom dropdowns. You can even handle events and add specific actions.

What functionalities do rich text editor libraries usually have?

Rich text editors provide a host of functionalities that make them a vital tool in web development. Some of the common functionalities include:

  1. Formatting: Text formatting is a basic feature offered by RTEs which allows users to apply different styles to text. This includes bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough effects along with font size, color, and style.

  2. HTML editing: While RTEs have a WYSIWYG mode that resembles a word processor interface, they also allow switching to an HTML mode for direct HTML editing, which is particularly useful for advanced users.

  3. Media embedding: Most RTEs offer the ability to embed images, videos, and audio. This feature includes resizing, alignment and captioning of embedded media.

  4. Hyperlinking: RTEs help to create and edit hyperlinks in a textual content.

  5. Tables and lists: Creating tables and ordered/unordered lists is another key functionality of RTEs.

  6. Code highlighting: Some rich text editors also support syntax highlighting, which can be very important for sites which deal with code examples.

Gotchas/pitfalls to look out for

While RTE libraries are highly beneficial, there are also certain potential hazards or challenges that you might face:

  1. Cross-browser compatibility: Not all RTE libraries work flawlessly across all browsers due to differences in how browsers render HTML and CSS. It's crucial to test the library in all target browsers before choosing one.

  2. Performance: Rich text editors can be heavy and slow down your web app significantly, especially if you're using a legacy system or have complex interface requirements.

  3. Maintainability: Ensure the library is actively maintained because if it's not, you might end up with a product that is no longer compatible with new browser versions or lacks important security updates.

  4. Customizability: Some RTE libraries may lack the flexibility to allow certain types of customization. So, you need to make sure the library you select is capable of meeting your specific needs.

  5. Dependencies: When used with npm, checking the dependencies of the RTE library is crucial. Some might have a lot of dependencies which could lead to potential version conflicts and could bloat your app.

  6. Data sanitization: This is not always a default feature. If user-generated content is not properly sanitized, it could result in cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Make sure your rich text editor is configured to sanitize user input or find a solution to do so before input is saved and displayed.

Remember, always do a comprehensive requirements analysis before selecting an RTE library to ensure it can adequately meet your needs and doesn't exhibit any of these pitfalls.