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Npm Restful Api Libraries

Most Popular Npm Restful Api Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
express54.5 kBMIT13 Years8 Oct 2022
superagent155.11 kBMIT12 Years15 Aug 2023
@octokit/rest3.69 kBMIT6 Years11 Jul 2023
fast-json-patch34.89 kBMIT10 Years24 Mar 2022
twilio730.88 kBMIT12 Years7 Sep 2023
json-server18.29 kBMIT10 Years21 Mar 2023
newman63.89 kBApache-2.09 Years14 Sep 2023
@octokit/endpoint1 BMIT5 Years7 Jul 2023
ky34.54 kBMIT7 Years5 Sep 2023
twit536.24 kBMIT12 Years30 Jun 2018
loopback788.75 kBMIT10 Years25 Nov 2020
apidoc224.41 kBMIT10 Years23 Aug 2023
express-generator9.21 kBMIT10 Years3 May 2019
local-web-server4.72 kBMIT10 Years7 Feb 2023
array-last2.8 kBMIT9 Years30 Nov 2017

When Are RESTful API Libraries Useful

RESTful API libraries are useful when you want to interact with a web service that adheres to the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST).

  1. Integration: RESTful APIs are useful for integrating different systems. In a JavaScript setting, these systems could be different websites or services that you want your Node.js application to interact with.

  2. Data Manipulation: These libraries expose functionalities to create, read, update, and delete data (CRUD operations). So, if your application involves manipulating data stored on a server, RESTful API libraries can come in handy.

  3. Microservices Architecture: RESTful APIs are also useful in a microservices architecture. They allow services to communicate with each other efficiently.

  4. Community and Support: The RESTful API libraries often have strong support and a large community since REST is a popular architectural style. This means that you are likely to find answers to your questions relatively easily.

What Functionalities Do RESTful API Libraries Usually Have

  1. HTTP verbs: RESTful API libraries provide functions to make HTTP requests using the common HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

  2. Headers Management: These libraries offer functions to manage headers for various purposes - authentication, content-type, etc.

  3. Error Handling: Proper error handling helps to rectify issues on time. The libraries come with elegant error handling mechanisms that simplify the process of debugging.

  4. Response Parsing: Most libraries provide ways to automatically parse the response data, often converting JSON to JavaScript objects.

  5. Interceptors: They provide a way to intercept requests or responses before they are handled then allow to transform the request or handle errors.

  6. Promise based Structure: Most libraries follow Promise based structure which allows you to easily handle async tasks, without going into the callback hell.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

While RESTful API libraries provide a lot of convenience, there are a few potential pitfalls.

  1. Performance: Each HTTP request made includes overhead from headers and establishing connections. Too many requests can slow your app down.

  2. Version Management: When the RESTful API update versions, it might stop supporting some of the features or might have introduced breaking changes. So, must keep the library as well as your application up to date.

  3. Error Handling: Not all libraries handle errors well. If an error is not caught correctly, it can crash your application.

  4. Security: APIs open up a way to an application's data. If the security is not implemented correctly, it can lead to data leakage.

  5. Request Limitations: Some REST APIs have limitations on the number of requests users can send within a given time period.

  6. Dependency Risks: Since npm users often download and incorporate public packages into their projects, this may pose security risks and complexity. Be aware of dependencies that are no longer maintained or have known vulnerabilities.