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Npm React Libraries

Most Popular Npm React Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
react79.25 kBMIT12 Years14 Jun 2022
prop-types22.12 kBMIT8 Years5 Jan 2022
react-dom1.04 MBMIT9 Years14 Jun 2022
classnames6.63 kBMIT9 Years13 Sep 2022
eslint-plugin-react153.44 kBMIT9 Years16 Aug 2023
react-router181.39 kBMIT9 Years13 Sep 2023
react-router-dom167.63 kBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
react-redux69.06 kBMIT8 Years29 Jul 2023
styled-components424.72 kBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
react-transition-group47.63 kBBSD-3-Clause7 Years1 Aug 2022
react-is5.27 kBMIT6 Years14 Jun 2022
reselect28.75 kBMIT8 Years16 Apr 2023
react-select136.67 kBMIT9 Years13 Jul 2023
cross-fetch21.36 kBMIT6 Years3 Jul 2023
hoist-non-react-statics9.83 kBBSD-3-Clause8 Years22 Jan 2020

When Are React Libraries Useful

React libraries are particularly useful when developing web applications built on JavaScript. They serve as an open-source, declarative, efficient, and flexible solution for building user interfaces. Here are some instances where react libraries shine:

  1. Component-Based Structure: React libraries follow a component-based architecture, which makes it an excellent choice for building complex and dynamic web apps with multiple states.
  2. Efficient Performance: They allow developers to use a Virtual DOM, a lightweight copy of the actual DOM, which significantly improves the performance of web apps.
  3. Reusable Components: React libraries enable the developers to create reusable UI components, which can be used across different parts of an application, fostering code reuse and speeding up development.
  4. Data Flow Control: React libraries use one-way data binding to give better control over the entire project.

What Functionalities Do React Libraries Usually Have

React libraries comprise a wide range of functionalities, essential for robust web app development. Here’s what you usually get with react libraries:

  1. JSX Support: React libraries support JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript, allowing developers to write HTML-like code in their JavaScript.
  2. Component Lifecycle Methods: They offer lifecycle methods for each component, providing specific events in the time during which the component is rendered onto the page.
  3. State & Props: React libraries support the "state" and "props" of components that help handle data and trigger re-rendering whenever necessary.
  4. Context API: React libraries come with the Context API, which allows you to share data throughout component tree without having to pass props manually at every level.
  5. Hooks: They introduce Hooks that let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
  6. Error Boundaries: They include error boundaries, a React component that catches JavaScript errors in their child component hierarchy, logs those errors, and displays a fallback UI.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look out for

Like any other technology, React libraries also come with their own set of challenges and pitfalls:

  1. Overhead of JSX: Learning JSX might be an overhead for beginners. It can take some time to get comfortable with its syntax and how it fits into JavaScript.
  2. Poor Documentation: While the npm package manager keeps getting updated with better versions, existing documentation sometimes lags.
  3. SEO: React applications are rendered on the client-side, which can cause issues with how search engines index your website. Though search engines like Google claim to index JavaScript content, SEO might still need some additional attention.
  4. Performance Issues: While React optimizes for performance, complex applications with numerous components might face performance issues.
  5. Design Patterns: React libraries do not provide opinionated ways of structuring the project, so it may be hard for new developers to choose the correct design pattern.

Remember, how these challenges are handled hinges on the program design, quality of code, and familiarity with the idiosyncrasies of the React libraries. Therefore, knowing and understanding React libraries will help developers navigate these potential issues.