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Npm Next.js Libraries

Most Popular Npm Next.js Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
delay3.55 kBMIT11 Years21 May 2023
jose69.05 kBMIT9 Years4 Sep 2023
es-get-iterator10.57 kBMIT4 Years13 Jan 2023
postcss-preset-env29.59 kBMIT-06 Years18 Sep 2023
@next/env2.88 kBMIT3 Years19 Aug 2023
next-auth176.52 kBISC6 Years16 Aug 2023
@stitches/react103.12 kBMIT3 Years25 Apr 2022
iterate-iterator6.11 kBMIT4 Years1 Oct 2021
react-easy-router12.83 kBMIT1 Years10 Apr 2023
@alifd/next4.25 MBMIT5 Years6 Sep 2023
next-line2.13 kBMIT8 Years31 Aug 2015
create-next-app196.32 kBMIT7 Years19 Aug 2023
primereact7.29 MBMIT6 Years17 Aug 2023
next-compose-plugins7.01 kBMIT5 Years9 Nov 2020
@mantine/hooks108.53 kBMIT2 Years18 Sep 2023

When are next.js libraries useful

Next.js libraries are incredibly useful when you want to create production-grade React applications that scale. The libraries allow developers to build server-side rendering and static site generation, providing improved performance and better SEO. Next.js libraries are also useful for developers who want to incorporate a JavaScript framework into their workflow that supports hot code reloading, automatic code splitting, and an easy pathway to a perfect lighthouse score.

Using Next.js can accelerate the development process as it provides a streamlined setup environment with flexible settings. This is particularly beneficial for large scale apps and for projects where fast initial load time and search engine visibility are a top priority.

What functionalities do Next.js libraries usually have

Next.js provides numerous functionalities that improve and simplify the development process. While not exhaustive, here are key functionalities provided by the Next.js libraries:

  1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Next.js provides automatic server-side rendering, which enables your applications to be SEO-friendly.

  2. Automatic Code Splitting: This functionality in Next.js allows every import to be bundled and served as separate JavaScript files. This improves load time as only necessary files will be loaded.

  3. Static Site Generation (SSG): With Next.js, you can generate pages in advance for performance benefits.

  4. API Routes: Next.js provides a solution to build your API end-points within the same Next.js app.

  5. Built-In CSS Support: Next.js supports universal styles with built-in CSS and Sass support and support for any CSS-in-JS library.

  6. Fast Refresh: Next.js includes an integrated Fast Refresh for instant feedback on any modifications in React components.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Despite the many advantages of using Next.js libraries, there are possible pitfalls to consider when utilizing it:

  1. Learning Curve: While Next.js simplifies the development of complex applications, be prepared to spend some time learning new patterns, especially if you come from a Create React App (CRA) background.

  2. Lack of Flexibility: Next.js offers less flexibility compared to other setups, like CRA or custom setup. It's opinionated and doesn't allow for full customization of the webpack or Babel configurations.

  3. Serverless Deployment Issues: If deploying on a serverless environment, pages in Next.js will be individual lambdas. This could lead to cold starts and additional latency.

  4. Relative Imports Might be a challenge, especially if you are organizing code by domain. It doesn't support aliases or absolute paths out of the box, causing a bit of mess with deep relative paths.

  5. Routes and File Structure: Next.js relies on file-based routing system which can become a hurdle for developers wishing for more freedom to organize their application based on existing design patterns.