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Npm Neo4j Libraries

Most Popular Npm Neo4j Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
neo4j81.41 kBApache-2.012 Years11 Jun 2015
caminte292.02 kBMIT11 Years4 May 2018
node-neo4j28.64 kBMIT11 Years4 Feb 2015
sails-neo4j6 kBMIT9 Years2 Feb 2015
neo4j-driver-core119.52 kBApache-2.02 Years31 Aug 2023
connect-caminte214.43 kBMIT10 Years30 Dec 2015
cypher-stream9.27 kBMIT10 Years1 Sep 2017
apoc11.05 kBMIT9 Years12 Sep 2015
caminte-generator22.69 kBUNKNOWN9 Years3 Jul 2016
neo4jd33.28 MBMIT7 Years27 Sep 2016
neo4j-driver-bolt-connection91.49 kBApache-2.02 Years31 Aug 2023
node-cypher5.21 kBMIT9 Years24 Feb 2014
caminte-cli21.89 kBMIT8 Years22 Jan 2017
neo4j-js22.92 kBMIT10 Years5 Mar 2014
graffmaker2.8 kBWTFPL10 Years28 Jun 2013

When Are Neo4j Libraries Useful?

Neo4j libraries are essential when dealing with graph databases in a JavaScript runtime like Node.js. They are usually used when there is a need for efficient querying, visualization, and data analysis in complex, connected data structures. These libraries are particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • Large Data Sets: Neo4j libraries can handle large data sets with millions of nodes and relational connections efficiently, offering superior performance over traditional relational databases.
  • Interconnected Data: When dealing with data where connections between individual elements are as important as the elements themselves, Neo4j libraries shine. They are designed to handle complex relationships between nodes.
  • Real-time Data Analysis: Neo4j libraries are optimised for real-time data analysis, making them a great fit for applications that need to provide insights on the fly.
  • Recommendation Systems: If you are building a recommendation system, a Neo4j library can be extremely useful. It enables you to access connected data and make recommendation decisions based on real-time and related data.

What Functionalities do Neo4j Libraries Usually Have?

Neo4j libraries offer a set of functionalities designed to leverage the power of graph databases:

  • Node and Relationship Management: This functionality allows proper management of nodes, relationships, including creation, read, update, and deletion (CRUD).
  • Cypher Query Language Support: Most Neo4j libraries have built-in support for the Cypher query language. Cypher is a powerful, flexible query language that allows for expressive and efficient querying and updating of the graph store.
  • Transaction Support: These libraries also support transaction operations. Transactions in Neo4j obey the ACID (Atomic, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) rules, essential for handling critical data.
  • Connection Pooling: Neo4j libraries can manage a pool of connections to the database, which can help improve application performance.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

Despite their power and utility, there are some gotchas and pitfalls to look out for when using the Neo4j libraries:

  • Performance: Graph databases like Neo4j can be slower than relational databases for certain types of data queries. Understanding when to use and when not to use graph databases is crucial.
  • Query Complexity: Cypher queries can become extremely complex as the interconnected data grows, which can lead to difficulties in maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Learning Curve: If you are new to graph databases, there can be a steep learning curve. The concepts and operations can be quite different from traditional SQL databases.
  • Memory Usage: Neo4j libraries, due to their extensive functionalities, can be heavy on memory usage. For applications with limited resources, this could be a concern.