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Npm MongoDB Libraries

Most Popular Npm MongoDB Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
mongodb601.5 kBApache-2.012 Years14 Sep 2023
mongoose614.29 kBMIT13 Years15 Sep 2023
bson469.34 kBApache-2.012 Years13 Sep 2023
connect-mongo18.95 kBMIT12 Years14 Mar 2023
mpath13.35 kBMIT11 Years17 Apr 2022
mquery30.23 kBMIT11 Years23 Feb 2023
waterline250.77 kBMIT11 Years11 Dec 2022
loopback788.75 kBMIT10 Years25 Nov 2020
db-migrate26.37 kBMIT12 Years7 Sep 2023
mongojs45.69 kBMIT12 Years31 Oct 2019
monk12.77 kBMIT11 Years15 Apr 2021
bson-objectid9.86 kBApache-2.09 Years21 Nov 2022
winston-mongodb7.46 kBMIT12 Years27 Jan 2023
gridfs-stream50.72 kBUNKNOWN11 Years3 Apr 2015
mongodb-uri4.26 kBMIT10 Years11 Jun 2014

When Are MongoDB Libraries Useful

MongoDB libraries are particularly beneficial when you're building an application that necessitates the handling of vast amounts of data and requires high performance, data availability and easy scalability. The MongoDB database system is used across various fields that deal with big data, content management and delivery, mobile and social infrastructure, user data management, and data hub, thereby making MongoDB libraries crucial for developers working in such areas.

Moreover, MongoDB libraries are useful when your application needs to store data in a document format (JSON-like documents), allowing for flexible and diverse data models. The database framework is excellent for applications that require multi-row transactions with features such as atomic operations on single documents.

What Functionalities Do MongoDB Libraries Usually Have

MongoDB libraries offer a host of functionalities that facilitate better data management and manipulation. For starters, these libraries help to establish a connection with MongoDB databases and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations supporting a myriad of data forms.

Additional functionalities include:

  • Indexing: MongoDB libraries provide features for creating indexes that significantly improve query performance.
  • Replication: They offer built-in replication features, thereby providing high availability, fault tolerance, and automatic failover.
  • Sharding: One crucial functionality of MongoDB libraries includes sharding, enabling horizontal scaling, which is essential for handling huge data sets.
  • Aggregation: MongoDB libraries have aggregation capabilities that you can use to return computed results, based on specified conditions.
  • Text Search: MongoDB libraries provide a powerful full-text search feature that makes searching data easier and more efficient.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

Despite its immense capabilities and advantages, certain potential pitfalls or gotchas associated with using MongoDB libraries can be disconcerting for developers. Here are a few to look out for:

  • Schema Design: Due to the schema-less nature of MongoDB, design mistakes are common if the developers come from a SQL background. Poor schema design decisions can lead to wasted disk space, redundant data, and unoptimized query performance.
  • No Multi-document Transactions: MongoDB libraries don't support multi-document transactions, resulting in potential design flaws and long-term issues in your application.
  • Memory Usage: MongoDB uses high memory mapped files. When working with large datasets, this could become a significant issue.
  • Embedded Documents Limit: MongoDB libraries allow developers to embed related data onto one document, but there is a size limit (currently 16MB) which could affect the design of data models.

Remember, understanding these pitfalls and preparing for them can help you fully exploit the MongoDB NoSQL database system. When used correctly, MongoDB libraries can be a powerful tool for handling and managing data.