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Npm Internet Of Things Libraries

Most Popular Npm Internet Of Things Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
serialport4.38 kBMIT12 Years29 Aug 2023
serverless719.18 kBMIT8 Years17 Sep 2023
onoff237.22 kBMIT11 Years26 Apr 2021
node-red27.02 kBApache-2.010 Years6 Sep 2023
aws-iot-device-sdk66.17 kBApache-2.08 Years31 Mar 2022
paho-mqtt38.03 kBEPL-1.07 Years22 Nov 2018
cylon25.07 kBApache-2.010 Years22 Apr 2016
i2c-bus618.1 kBMIT9 Years6 Aug 2023
node-ssdp46.29 kBMIT10 Years19 Dec 2020
total.js292.73 kBMIT10 Years8 Nov 2021
node-opcua7.08 kBMIT10 Years7 Sep 2023
coap52.03 kBMIT10 Years6 Jan 2023
aedes54.2 kBMIT8 Years26 Jul 2023
pigpio865.18 kBMIT8 Years30 Apr 2021
meshblu36.89 kBMIT9 Years2 Jun 2017

When are Internet of Things libraries useful

Internet of Things (IoT) libraries are useful when developers want to create applications that interact with smart devices. These include home automation devices, industrial equipment, wearables, and more. With the npm package manager, these IoT libraries can be easily incorporated into JavaScript projects, benefiting from the seamless integration, rapid prototyping, and robust ecosystem of libraries and packages.

IoT libraries are beneficial when:

  1. Rapidity: Libraries allow for rapid and efficient development which would be near impossible to achieve when starting from scratch.
  2. Device Interaction: They enable applications to communicate and interact with IoT devices, each likely having different communication protocols.
  3. Translation of Protocols: Libraries can translate high level programming concepts to more hardware focussed languages, which are often the requirement for interacting with IoT devices.
  4. Simulations: They can simulate the behaviour of IoT devices for testing purposes.

What functionalities do Internet of Things libraries usually have

IoT libraries usually include a varied range of functionalities with the end goal being efficient interaction with IoT devices. Some key functionalities are:

  1. Device Communication: Libraries often have functions that allow for sending and receiving of data with IoT devices.
  2. Protocol Support: They provide support for diverse communication protocols used in the IoT sphere such as MQTT, CoAP, HTTP etc.
  3. Data Serialization: Libraries will supply functions to serialize and de-serialize data into formats compatible with IoT devices (like JSON, XML etc).
  4. Device Simulation: They often include virtual device simulations for testing and debugging.
  5. Security Functions: Given the sensitive nature of data handled by IoT devices, IoT libraries also include security-related features like encryption and authorization protocols.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

While IoT libraries can be beneficial, there are a few common potentially problematic areas to be cautious of:

  1. Library Abandonment: Libraries can sometimes be abandoned by their developers. Always check the update history and community engagement around a library before deciding.
  2. Documentation Quality: The quality of the library's documentation can often be a deciding factor, especially if it's a complex library. It's important to consider the quality and comprehensibility of its documentation for troubleshooting and learning.
  3. Security: IoT devices often process critical data and can present a security risk if not properly managed. Evaluate the security measures provided by the libraries and their compliance with industry standards.
  4. Compatibility Issues: Not all libraries support all IoT devices. Be sure the library of your choice has support for the devices you're targeting.
  5. Performance: The performance of certain IoT libraries can vary drastically. Depending on the speed and battery constraints of your IoT device, choose libraries which are performance-optimized while providing the functionalities you require.