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Npm Icons Libraries

Most Popular Npm Icons Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
font-awesome655.79 kB(OFL-1.1 AND MIT)10 Years24 Oct 2016
ionicons1.23 MBMIT8 Years30 May 2023
@mui/icons-material1.83 MBMIT2 Years13 Sep 2023
@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons1021.96 kB(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT)5 Years2 Aug 2023
react-native-vector-icons1.85 MBMIT8 Years24 Jun 2022
@material-ui/icons1022.94 kBMIT5 Years3 Apr 2022
@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core85.22 kBMIT5 Years2 Aug 2023
@fortawesome/fontawesome-free4.64 MB(CC-BY-4.0 AND OFL-1.1 AND MIT)5 Years2 Aug 2023
gulp-iconfont24.12 kBMIT10 Years14 Dec 2021
react-fontawesome6.12 kBMIT8 Years5 Nov 2019
@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons130.47 kB(CC-BY-4.0 AND MIT)5 Years2 Aug 2023
react-feather54.13 kBMIT6 Years30 May 2022
svg-sprite42.37 kBMIT9 Years12 Nov 2022
svgicons2svgfont20.8 kBMIT10 Years28 May 2022
gulp-svg-sprite5.02 kBMIT9 Years19 Mar 2023

When are Icons Libraries Useful?

Icon libraries are incredibly valuable in many circumstances, and they can make a significant contribution to the user experience and visual appeal of a software product. Here's when they are particularly effective:

  1. Consistent Visual Language: Icon libraries provide a consistent set of icons that adhere to the same design language, ensuring a uniform look and feel for your software application.
  2. Broad Variety and Flexibility: Icon libraries provide a wide array of choices, accommodating various user interface elements. Most libraries are scalable, making it possible to adapt icons to different sizes without quality loss.
  3. Efficiency: Instead of creating each icon from scratch, developers can use icon libraries to speed up the development process and maintain higher productivity.
  4. Integration with Popular Libraries/Frameworks: Many icon libraries, particularly those available via npm, are designed to work seamlessly with popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks, such as React, Vue, and Angular.

What Functionalities do Icon Libraries Usually Have?

Icon libraries, particularly those distributed through npm, usually come with a variety of features, including:

  1. Scalability: Icons in libraries are often vector-based, allowing them to be resized freely without loss of quality.
  2. Customizability: Many icon libraries allow you to customize their properties, such as color, size, stroke-width, etc.
  3. Easy Integration: Icon libraries often provide components or modules that are easy to import and use directly in your JavaScript code.
  4. Comprehensive Documentation: A good icon library will have detailed documentation on how to install and use the icons in various environments.
  5. Semantic Naming: Icons usually have semantic names which makes it easier to find relevant icons for specific use cases.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out for

While icon libraries can be a boon to development, it's also critical to be aware of some potential pitfalls:

  1. Overhead: Using an icon library might seem like a quick solution, but it's not without its drawbacks. Importing an entire library can add significant overhead to your JavaScript bundle size. Carefully consider whether you need all the icons in a library or just a subset.
  2. Licensing Issues: Always check the licensing terms of the library. Some icons might have restrictions on their use in commercial projects.
  3. Inconsistencies in Design: While most icon libraries strive to maintain consistency within their designs, you may still encounter slight differences in styling that might not completely match your application's aesthetic.
  4. Limited Customization: Although many libraries allow some degree of customization, you may be restricted in how much you can tweak an icon to suit a specific branding or design language.
  5. Learning Curve: Each icon library may come with its specific syntax and usage patterns. Expect to spend some time learning the library's documentation.