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Npm Graphql Libraries

Most Popular Npm Graphql Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
graphql273.28 kBMIT8 Years19 Sep 2023
graphql-request30.24 kBMIT6 Years23 May 2023
express-graphql271.39 kBMIT8 Years19 Nov 2020
@apollo/client1.01 MBMIT4 Years5 Sep 2023
@octokit/graphql8.51 kBMIT5 Years10 Jul 2023
@graphql-codegen/cli38.74 kBMIT4 Years25 Jul 2023
graphql-ws76.4 kBMIT6 Years22 Jun 2023
react-apollo3.92 kBMIT7 Years14 Apr 2020
relay-runtime374.94 kBMIT6 Years8 Mar 2023
graphql-relay11.58 kBMIT8 Years19 Dec 2021
react-relay253.37 kBMIT8 Years8 Mar 2023
graphql-yoga48.9 kBMIT6 Years10 Aug 2023
graphql-config14.43 kBMIT6 Years1 Jun 2023
@graphql-codegen/core6.47 kBMIT4 Years24 May 2023
apollo-upload-client7.1 kBMIT6 Years7 Dec 2021

When are GraphQL libraries useful

GraphQL libraries are extremely useful when developing applications that need to interact with a GraphQL API. They can simplify the process of executing queries and mutations, and can even provide additional functionality such as caching, subscriptions, error handling, and more. In particular, they are most beneficial when:

  1. Your application needs to fetch data from multiple resources in a single request. GraphQL allows you to bundle these requests for efficiency.

  2. You have a highly interactive application where real-time updates are a necessity. GraphQL libraries offer subscriptions which can be used to push real-time updates to the client.

  3. You want to specify exactly what data you want to fetch from the Server. GraphQL queries allow clients to specify precisely what data they need, reducing the chances of overfetch or underfetch.

  4. You're using npm as your package manager. Many GraphQL libraries are published as npm packages, meaning that they can be easily installed and incorporated into your application.

What functionalities do GraphQL libraries usually have

GraphQL libraries usually offer a wide array of functionalities and features that simplify the process of interacting with a GraphQL API. These features typically include:

  1. Query Execution: Libraries should enable easy construction and execution of GraphQL queries and mutations.

  2. Caching: Most libraries offer some form of caching mechanism to avoid unnecessary network calls, providing performance improvements.

  3. Error Handling: Handling errors in GraphQL can be complex due to its structure and format, most libraries provide easier ways to handle these errors.

  4. Subscriptions: Libraries can make it simpler to manage GraphQL subscriptions, which enable real-time updates from the server.

  5. Integration with Frontend Libraries: Many GraphQL libraries have integrations with popular frontend libraries like React, Vue, or Angular, to make it easy to fetch, cache, and update data in your UI.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Despite their many benefits, GraphQL libraries can also introduce some potential pitfalls and gotchas. Here are a few to look out for:

  1. Overcomplication: Some libraries provide an abundance of features that you may not need, which could lead to unnecessary complexity in your application.

  2. Caching: Though caching can improve performance, it may cause issues with data consistency if not managed correctly.

  3. Error Handling: Since GraphQL APIs return a 200 OK status even when there are errors in the response, checking for errors might not be straightforward.

  4. Version Compatibility: You'll need to ensure the compatibility of the GraphQL library version with the GraphQL server version that your app is interacting with.

  5. Library Size: Be cautious of the size of the library you choose because it can impact the performance of your application, especially if you're developing a web application.