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Npm Firebase Libraries

Most Popular Npm Firebase Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
firebase5.77 MBApache-2.011 Years14 Sep 2023
firebase-tools552.88 kBMIT10 Years12 Sep 2023
superstatic21.35 kBMIT10 Years13 Feb 2023
node-gcm12.75 kBMIT11 Years28 Aug 2021
firebase-functions129.79 kBMIT6 Years12 Jun 2023
react-native-push-notification97.95 kBMIT8 Years1 Oct 2021
fcm-node8.85 kBMIT7 Years31 Mar 2021
rxdb1.52 MBApache-2.07 Years18 Sep 2023
react-native-firebase283.8 kBApache-2.08 Years10 Dec 2019
rxfire80.65 kBApache-2.08 Years1 Sep 2023
@react-native-firebase/app72.9 kBApache-2.05 Years11 Sep 2023
vuefire45.74 kBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
cordova-plugin-firebase39.75 MBMIT7 Years10 Oct 2018
firebase-queue8.97 kBMIT8 Years20 Dec 2016
@angular/fire1.43 MBMIT5 Years27 May 2023

When Are Firebase Libraries Useful

Firebase libraries are very useful when building mobile and web applications that require backend services. Here are a few scenarios where these libraries are most effective:

  1. Real-time Database: Firebase provides a NoSQL cloud database where data is stored as JSON and synchronized in real-time to every connected client.
  2. User Authentication: Firebase Authentication offers a complete end-to-end identity solution, supporting email and password accounts, phone auth, and Google, Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub login, and more.
  3. Cloud Messaging: Also known as push notifications, Firebase Cloud Messaging allows you to inform users when new data becomes available instead of them having to check for updates.
  4. Analytics: Firebase includes Google Analytics, a powerful tool that helps you understand how people use your iOS or Android app.

What Functionalities Do Firebase Libraries Usually Have

Firebase Libraries typically provide functionalities in the following areas:

  1. Cloud Firestore: Store and sync app data at global scale with a cloud-hosted, NoSQL database.
  2. Authentication: Provides backend services to authenticate users to your app. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google.
  3. Cloud Functions: Run backend code responding to Firebase trigger events, without needing to manage and scale your own servers.
  4. Cloud Storage: Firebase provides a powerful, simple, and cost effective object storage service.
  5. Firebase ML: Machine learning for mobile developers to easily deploy ML models in your app without requiring machine learning expertise, all on-device.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

While Firebase libraries are highly useful and efficient, there are a few pitfalls developers should be aware of:

  1. Limited querying capabilities: Firebase database queries are designed to be simple and fast, but as a result, they can be limiting.
  2. Cost: Since Firebase bills for simultaneous connections, bandwidth, and storage, costs can escalate quickly if the app has several users or large amounts of data.
  3. Learning Curve: Firebase can implement complex functionalities with ease, but its unique approach requires learning how to work effectively with its suite of services.
  4. Vendor Lock-In: Migrating an existing Firebase app to another service can be a complex task due to the deep integration of Firebase services.
  5. NoSQL: Unlike SQL databases, Firebase is a NoSQL database, which may not be suitable for applications that requires complex transactional operations.

When it comes to using Firebase with npm, the packages are relatively straightforward to install via npm's package manager with the command npm install --save firebase. However, users should be aware of the potential for version conflicts or deprecated methods when integrating it into their projects.

Remember, Firebase is an excellent tool, but it isn't perfect or suited for every situation. Always carefully consider your project's needs before integrating any library or toolset.