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Npm Encryption Libraries

Most Popular Npm Encryption Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
bcrypt32.53 kBMIT12 Years16 Aug 2023
bcryptjs76.21 kBMIT10 Years7 Feb 2017
tweetnacl48.62 kBUnlicense9 Years10 Feb 2020
jose69.05 kBMIT9 Years4 Sep 2023
node-rsa33.08 kBMIT9 Years22 Jul 2020
aes-js23.69 kBMIT8 Years9 Nov 2018
js-sha314.59 kBMIT8 Years16 Sep 2023
js-sha25611.37 kBMIT10 Years31 Aug 2023
hashids31.93 kBMIT11 Years24 May 2023
js-md59.72 kBMIT10 Years18 Dec 2017
js-sha51217.12 kBMIT10 Years5 Aug 2018
argon239.49 kBMIT8 Years1 Sep 2023
sjcl1015.61 kB(BSD-2-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only)10 Years10 Nov 2018
ethereum-cryptography18.14 kBMIT4 Years12 Jul 2023
xlsx-populate3.35 MBMIT8 Years1 Mar 2020

When are Encryption Libraries Useful

Encryption libraries are pivotal elements in developing high-level software applications, particularly those dealing with sensitive data transmissions and storages. Here are some specific situations where these libraries prove to be useful:

  1. Secure Data Transmission: Encryption libraries facilitate secure data transmission over the internet. They ensure the data sent remains private and unaltered while in transit.

  2. Secure Data Storage: When storing sensitive data, such as user passwords, encryption libraries help in converting the data into a format that is not easily readable. This conceals the stored data from unauthorized access.

  3. Client-Server Communication: They are instrumental in efforts to maintain the confidentiality of communication between a client's browser and a server. This safeguards from Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks.

  4. Compliance with Regulations: Certain industries have legal requirements that mandate the use of encryption for data storage and transmission. Encryption libraries help businesses adhere to such regulations.

What Functionalities do Encryption Libraries Usually Have

Encryption libraries in JavaScript typically deliver the following functionalities:

  1. Data Encryption and Decryption: Encryption libraries provide functionality for both encryption and corresponding decryption across a variety of algorithms like AES, RSA, etc.

  2. Hashing: These libraries often provide both standard and cryptographic hash functions, necessary for tasks like password storage.

  3. Public/Private Key Generation: For more advanced encryption needs, libraries often provide methods for generating public and private keys for asymmetric encryption.

  4. Digital Signatures: Some encryption libraries provide capabilities to generate and verify digital signatures as means to ensure data integrity and authenticity.

  5. Random Numbers Generation: Cryptographically secure random numbers generation is another common feature provided.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out for

While working with npm JavaScript encryption libraries, you may encounter the following pitfalls:

  1. Versioning: Always ensure to use the latest versions of the libraries. Old versions may have known security vulnerabilities.

  2. Key Management: Poor management of cryptographic keys can lead to major data breaches. The keys should be stored securely and must never be embedded in the code.

  3. Choosing Wrong Cryptography Method: Make sure to choose the right cryptographic algorithm. The choice primarily depends on your use case and could be AES, RSA, or others.

  4. Leaks through Logs: Be very cautious that cryptographic operations or sensitive data do not leak into logs.

  5. Deprecation of Algorithms: Be aware that cryptographic algorithms periodically get deprecated due to discovered vulnerabilities. Always ensure your chosen algorithm has strong current and future support.

  6. Complexity in Implementation: Implementing encryption can be complex. Ensure you understand the library you are using and the encryption principles involved.