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Npm Ecommerce Libraries

Most Popular Npm Ecommerce Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
ccxt6.86 MBMIT6 Years18 Sep 2023
money3.81 kBUNKNOWN12 Years16 Jul 2014
react-image-magnify66.87 kBMIT7 Years25 Oct 2018
sphere-node-sdk31.6 kBMIT9 Years24 Mar 2020
vtex113.75 kBMIT8 Years20 Oct 2021
coinpayments51.98 kBMIT8 Years5 Mar 2022
node-bigcommerce9.72 kBMIT9 Years5 May 2020
shop.js1.44 MBBSD-3-Clause8 Years1 Oct 2020
marketcloud-node15.71 kBISC8 Years3 Sep 2017
react-content-zoom23.02 kBMIT6 Years2 Feb 2018
react-image-magnifiers20.27 kBMIT5 Years3 Jul 2020
npm-woocommerce-api16.88 kBGPL-3.07 Years4 Mar 2016
coupon5.54 kBMIT9 Years24 Sep 2014
crowdstart.js60.08 kBMIT8 Years7 Jan 2016
amazon-products-api3.52 kBMIT8 Years18 Dec 2015

When are E-commerce Software Dependencies Useful?

E-commerce software dependencies are useful when creating any type of online store or commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet. They can significantly speed up the development process by providing already-built functionalities that are commonly used across many e-commerce platforms.

For instance, if you're building an e-commerce application using JavaScript and npm as the package manager, packages related to cart management, payment processing, inventory management, security, or user authentication might be required. Instead of building these functionalities from scratch, you can depend on established npm packages which offer these functionalities ready to use. This way, you can focus your efforts on other aspects such as user interface, user experience, and other custom features of your application.

Moreover, npm registry is a treasure trove for JavaScript developers due to its extensive array of packages. These packages are meticulously maintained, updated and are commonly supported by dedicated developer communities. Therefore, using npm packages can also help in keeping your code updated and secure.

What Functionalities Do E-commerce Software Dependencies Usually Have?

In the context of e-commerce applications, various npm packages can provide a broad range of functionalities. Here are some common areas:

  1. Cart Management & Checkout: Packages that handle shopping cart functionalities like adding, removing or updating items. They can also manage checkout processes, taxes, and shipping management.

  2. Payment Processing: Payment gateways to handle transactions from various payment systems (credit card, PayPal, etc.).

  3. Inventory Management: Packages that manage products, categories, variations, and stock levels.

  4. User Authentication & Authorization: User registration, password management, roles, permissions, and secure authentication systems.

  5. Security: Securing application against XSS attacks, SQL injection etc. Compliance for business standards like PCI DSS for secure transactions.

  6. SEO Optimization: Packages to create SEO-friendly URLs, tagging systems, etc.

It's worth mentioning that while npm packages can cover a significant portion of e-commerce functionality, each application may require a unique blend of these functionalities that suits its individual needs.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

Using npm packages can save tremendous time and effort, however, there are some pitfalls that developers need to be aware of:

  1. Dependency Management: Keep an eye on your application's dependencies, as unused or outdated dependencies can create vulnerabilities.

  2. Potential Vulnerabilities: npm packages, like any other software, can contain vulnerabilities. Always check packages for known vulnerabilities and keep them up-to-date.

  3. Maintainability: Ensure the packages you choose are actively maintained. If the package is no longer maintained, it can become a potential risk due to lack of updates and security patches.

  4. License Compatibility: Each npm package comes with its licensing terms. Always ensure the license of the package you're using is compatible with your project's requirements and terms.

  5. Scalability: Keep in mind that what works well with a smaller load might not perform as well when the load increases. Choose packages that can scale as your application grows.

Investing time in researching the best packages for your needs can save you from problems down the road. Always keep your applications lean, and only include what is necessary for your operations.

Remember, every line of code and every package in your project is a potential source of bugs or vulnerabilities. Therefore, tread carefully while using dependencies in your project. It's usually a good idea to regularly perform some housekeeping to remove obsolete or unnecessary dependencies and keep your codebase lean and clean.