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Npm DynamoDB Libraries

Most Popular Npm DynamoDB Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
aws-sdk10.45 MBApache-2.011 Years18 Sep 2023
dynalite65.94 kBMIT10 Years8 Feb 2022
serverless-dynamodb-local14.98 kBMIT7 Years30 Jun 2021
dynogels51.19 kBMIT7 Years7 Aug 2019
dynamodb-localhost7.03 kBMIT7 Years23 Jun 2019
@aws/dynamodb-data-mapper47.64 kBApache-2.06 Years15 Aug 2018
@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb227.4 kBApache-2.05 Years19 Jun 2023
@aws/dynamodb-data-mapper-annotations12.25 kBApache-2.06 Years15 Aug 2018
dynamodb-doc39.95 kBApache 2.08 Years15 Feb 2015
@aws/dynamodb-auto-marshaller12.72 kBApache-2.06 Years21 Jul 2018
copy-dynamodb-table4.29 kBISC6 Years24 Feb 2021
dynamodb-update-expression9.12 kBMIT7 Years23 Mar 2017
dynasty12.44 kBMIT10 Years22 Feb 2019
dynogels-promisified2.19 kBMIT7 Years10 Feb 2017
dynamodb-toolbox44.57 kBMIT4 Years1 May 2023

When are dynamodb libraries useful?

DynamoDB libraries are especially useful when developers need to interact with the DynamoDB database service provided by AWS. These libraries typically streamline the process of accessing and managing data in DynamoDB tables, with built-in functionality for creating, updating, and querying tables.

While engaging directly with the AWS SDK is often an option, it can be complex and verbose. DynamoDB libraries abstract much of this complexity, allowing developers to interact with DynamoDB in a more intuitive and simplified manner. This promotes quicker development and reduces the risk of errors. You can search for these libraries on npm package manager by typing dynamodb on the search bar.

What functionalities do dynamodb libraries usually have?

DynamoDB libraries typically have functionalities that span a range of DynamoDB operations, abstracting them into simpler, higher-level methods. They include:

  • Creating Tables: The libraries often come with functionalities for creating new tables in a DynamoDB database. This usually includes configuring attributes, streams, indexes and other pertinent table settings.

  • CRUD Operations: DynamoDB libraries allow developers to perform standard database CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. This includes putting new items, fetching items by key, and batch operations.

  • Querying and Scanning: DynamoDB libraries provide simplified querying, which aids in fetching data based on various conditions and parameters. They also support scanning operations, allowing retrieval of all data from a table.

  • Stream Processing: Some libraries have built-in support for DynamoDB Streams, allowing developers to process and respond to changes in their DynamoDB tables in real-time.

  • Data Marshalling/Unmarshalling: DynamoDB utilizes specific data types, often requiring data to be marshalled (formatted to suit DynamoDB's requirements) and unmarshalled (converted into a more conventional JavaScript format).

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Although DynamoDB libraries provide a simplified way to interact with DynamoDB, there are few pitfalls and gotchas to be cautious of:

  • AWS Credentials: Most libraries would need AWS credentials to be properly configured in your environment. A common pitfall is not correctly setting up the AWS credentials, leading to authentication errors.

  • Handling Throttling: DynamoDB applies write and read limits on tables and indexes. Libraries should ideally handle this via built-in backoff and retry schemes. If the library does not handle this adequately, it could lead to throttling exceptions.

  • Consistency: DynamoDB supports both eventual consistent and strongly consistent reads. Ensure that the library you use appropriately handles consistency levels to meet your application requirements.

  • Data Modeling: While libraries often simplify DynamoDB interactions, they may not provide built-in support for complex data modeling. If complex relationships need to be modelled, the developer will typically need to incorporate additional logic.

  • Pagination: Remember that DynamoDB has default limits for the data returned in a single operation - 1MB for reads and writes. Ensure that the library adequately handles pagination when dealing with large data sets.

  • Understand Throughput Costs: The cost of running DynamoDB is inherently tied to the capacity mode employed (On-demand or provisioned). The provisioned mode requires understanding and accurate specification of read and write capacity units. This knowledge is crucial to avoid unexpected charges.