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Npm Cassandra Libraries

Most Popular Npm Cassandra Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
cassandra-driver253.43 kBApache-2.09 Years15 Sep 2023
express-cassandra518.47 kBLGPL-3.08 Years1 Apr 2023
node-cassandra-cql24.67 kBMIT10 Years26 Feb 2014
dse-driver224.72 kBSEE LICENSE IN http://www.datastax.com/terms/datastax-dse-driver-license-terms7 Years6 Nov 2019
cassanova30.52 kBMIT9 Years4 May 2015
priam20.75 kBMIT9 Years8 Jun 2022
cql-tx14 kBISC8 Years27 Jul 2015
datastar41.33 kBMIT7 Years15 Dec 2022
bronze21.08 kBApache-2.07 Years11 Jul 2017
cassanknex28.24 kBMIT8 Years13 Feb 2023
polyclay26.45 kBMIT10 Years7 Mar 2016
cassandrom67.42 kBApache-2.08 Years8 Feb 2019
cql-builder11.55 kBMIT10 Years17 Jul 2013
kairosdb6.27 kBMIT9 Years27 Feb 2014
cqlsh-node3.23 kBMIT5 Years2 Mar 2018

When are Cassandra Libraries Useful?

Cassandra libraries can be invaluable when working with Apache Cassandra databases. They are useful in instances when:

  1. Dealing With High Volume Data: If your project requires managing high volume data, Cassandra’s ability to handle high write and read loads makes it a good choice. It provides a reliable distributed database system that is both scalable and fault-tolerant.

  2. Requiring Data Replication: If your project needs data replication across multiple servers, Cassandra's libraries are advantageous. They support and ensure the replication of data across multiple nodes/geographical regions to provide reliability and fault tolerance.

  3. Working on Real-time Data and Analytics: Cassandra is excellent for projects that require real-time data processing.

What Functionalities do Cassandra Libraries Usually Have?

A key functionality of a Cassandra library revolves around its ability to interact and manipulate the Cassandra database. Standard functionalities include:

  1. Data Modelling: APIs for creating, modifying, and querying database tables.

  2. CRUD Operations: Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database records.

  3. Data Shuffle: Ability to manage and move high volumes of data, efficiently.

  4. Query Builders: They usually come with built-in methods to build and execute CQL (Cassandra Query Language) statements.

  5. Connection Pooling: Connection pooling is a feature in almost all Cassandra libraries. This optimizes the connection to the database by reusing existing connections, reducing the latency of the queries.

  6. Clustering: They provide the functionality to work with multiple databases as part of a cluster, which includes writing to and reading from multiple nodes.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

Working with Cassandra libraries isn't always a smooth sail. Here are some tricky areas to look out for:

  1. Avoid Large Partitions: A single partition that grows too large can have serious performance implications. It's recommended to moderate the size of your partitions.

  2. Timestamp Precision: Apache Cassandra supports only millisecond precision, which can trip up developers accustomed to working with databases that support higher precision.

  3. Compaction: Understanding how Cassandra compacts data is crucial as it can greatly impact your database's disk usage. Wrong compaction strategies can lead to disk space issues over time.

  4. Concurrency Issues: Cassandra's eventual consistency model might result in concurrency issues. Always account for this in your application's logic when handling data read/write operations.

  5. Handling Joins: Unlike relational databases, Cassandra does not perform joins, which may be a problem if you're used to the functionality.

Remember to install any Cassandra library with the npm package manager using the npm install command. However, ensure that the library you choose aligns with your project's specific needs and requirements.