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Npm Cache Libraries

Most Popular Npm Cache Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
lru-cache146.22 kBISC12 Years10 Aug 2023
fresh4.13 kBMIT11 Years14 Sep 2017
flat-cache8.85 kBMIT8 Years25 Aug 2023
node-cache15.62 kBMIT12 Years1 Jul 2020
find-cache-dir2.86 kBMIT8 Years18 Aug 2023
import-fresh2.28 kBMIT6 Years20 Dec 2020
file-entry-cache5.31 kBMIT8 Years25 Aug 2023
memoize-one9.36 kBMIT6 Years20 Oct 2021
make-fetch-happen15.72 kBISC6 Years15 Aug 2023
memoizee16.04 kBISC11 Years8 Jan 2021
env-paths3.18 kBMIT7 Years27 Aug 2021
workbox-webpack-plugin34.94 kBMIT6 Years31 May 2023
cacache18.88 kBISC7 Years14 Aug 2023
thunky3.04 kBMIT10 Years14 Oct 2019
cacheable-request15.33 kBMIT6 Years26 Jul 2023

When are caches useful?

Software dependencies in the category "cache" are essential in certain development contexts. In JavaScript development, especially when using npm as the package manager, caching becomes useful in several cases:

  1. Speeding up development: Caching dependencies can help speed up the development process by storing frequently used packages and resources locally. This reduced the amount of time taken to fetch data from the remote server.

  2. Minimizing Network Usage: By caching resources, you decrease the need for network requests. This can be particularly useful when you're working with limited or flaky internet connections.

  3. Dependency Version Control: Caching also serves as a means to preserve certain versions of your packages. This can prove useful when newer versions of certain dependencies are released, but your project relies on an older, more stable version.

What functionalities do they usually have?

Here are the functionalities that software caching usually provides, specifically in an npm environment:

  1. Store and Retrieve: Caching resources locally involves storing resource copies and retrieving them as and when required.

  2. Automatic Updating: When connected to the network, cache solutions typically keep track of whether there are any updates to cached dependencies, making sure the local copies are up-to-date.

  3. Check and Install Missing Dependencies: Most caches are set up to automatically check for missing resources from the project dependencies. If some are missing, they are fetched and cached as needed.

  4. Conflict Resolution: Many caching solutions provide a way to resolve discrepancies between the cached version of a package and the version needed for a new project.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Although caching is unquestionably beneficial, it does come with potential pitfalls:

  1. Outdated Cached Packages: A common issue arises when the locally cached depedency is outdated and the developer forgets to update it, resulting in the application running on outdated dependencies.

  2. Dependency Conflicts: There can be dependency conflicts if different projects on the same system rely on different versions of the same package. You should configure your caching solution carefully to handle such cases.

  3. Cache Corruption: In some rare circumstances, the cache might get corrupted, leading to difficult-to-diagnose bugs. It's usually recommended to clear the cache and reinstall dependencies in these cases.

  4. Disk Space Usage: While caching is beneficial, it does use up disk space on the developer's computer which can be a problem, particularly if many large packages are being used and cached. Itโ€™s necessary to clean the cache regularly to make room for new dependencies.

Embedded in npm is a robust caching mechanism, and understanding how to effectively work with it can significantly boost your productivity as a developer.