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Npm Babel Libraries

Most Popular Npm Babel Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
babel-loader1 BMIT8 Years7 Jul 2023
jest2.27 kBMIT11 Years12 Sep 2023
babel-core23.21 kBMIT8 Years27 Apr 2018
@babel/core179.87 kBMIT6 Years16 Sep 2023
jest-cli9.85 kBMIT9 Years12 Sep 2023
@babel/parser406.68 kBMIT5 Years6 Sep 2023
common-tags47.29 kBMIT8 Years16 Nov 2021
babel-plugin-istanbul7.65 kBBSD-3-Clause7 Years16 Oct 2021
babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types10.8 kBMIT8 Years1 Feb 2019
jscodeshift102.78 kBMIT8 Years7 May 2023
babel-plugin-module-resolver8.42 kBMIT7 Years9 Jan 2023
babel-cli8.43 kBMIT8 Years16 Aug 2017
@babel/cli27.99 kBMIT6 Years4 Sep 2023
babylon67.62 kBMIT8 Years15 Aug 2017
gulp-babel3.71 kBMIT8 Years28 Aug 2018

When are Babel libraries useful

Babel libraries are extremely useful whenever you are dealing with JavaScript applications that need to be compatible with a wide range of browsers. This could include situations where newer language constructs such as ES6, ES7 (and beyond) need to be transpiled down to ES5 which has greater browser compatibility.

Furthermore, Babel libraries are beneficial when using futuristic JavaScript syntax that is not yet fully adopted, or syntactic sugar that can simplify your code and make it more readable. For module bundling in production-grade applications (or even for small projects), the Babel libraries, along with other tools like Webpack or Browserslist, can be very handy to ensure wide-ranging browser support.

For developers dealing with projects via npm (node package manager), Babel libraries can be managed as other dependencies in your package.json.

What functionalities do Babel libraries usually have

Babel libraries offer a whole range of functionalities. Their primary function is to transpile ES6, ES7 (and beyond) JavaScript code to ES5 for browser compatibility.

Moreover, Babel provides functionalities such as support for the latest version of JavaScript through syntax transformers. These plugins can transform syntax that is not widely supported into a backwards compatible version.

Babel also has support for JSX for developing with React and TypeScript for typed JavaScript. It also has a modular architecture where you can choose your plugins and presets to tailor your project environment based on your needs.

When used via npm, Babel libraries can easily be included as part of your project's building or transpiling pipeline, integrated into scripts in your package.json.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

While Babel libraries offer some truly great features, there are a few pitfalls and gotchas to be cautious of.

One of them is making sure that the right plugins and presets are being used, and listed in appropriate order in your Babel configurations. Incorrect order or wrong plugins can result in untranspiled code or errors.

Next, trying to use Babel for polyfills can be tricky. To have an efficient bundle size it's important to only include the necessary polyfills. Sometimes you need to include certain polyfill libraries separately to make your JavaScript code to work correctly on older browsers.

Also, remember that not all language features can be transpiled or polyfilled by Babel. If a feature requires a new native object or method, then Babel is unable to polyfill such feature.

In terms of npm, package versions must be managed properly. Different versions of Babel libraries may not always be fully compatible with one another, leading to potential difficulties or unexpected behavior in your configuration.