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Npm Angular Libraries

Most Popular Npm Angular Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
@angular/router548.68 kBMIT8 Years13 Sep 2023
@angular/cli334.19 kBMIT6 Years13 Sep 2023
@angular-devkit/schematics160.83 kBMIT6 Years13 Sep 2023
@angular-devkit/core177.79 kBMIT6 Years13 Sep 2023
sortablejs130.99 kBMIT9 Years20 Mar 2022
@angular/material4.57 MBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
@angular/cdk1.94 MBMIT6 Years13 Sep 2023
@angular/compiler-cli435.54 kBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
@commitlint/config-conventional3.22 kBMIT6 Years9 Aug 2023
conventional-changelog-angular4.74 kBISC8 Years27 Aug 2023
@ngtools/webpack96.79 kBMIT7 Years13 Sep 2023
primeng6.67 MBMIT7 Years30 Aug 2023
@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap767.63 kBMIT7 Years7 Aug 2023
ng-packagr108.18 kBMIT6 Years7 Sep 2023
core-decorators45 kBMIT8 Years3 Sep 2017

Chapter 1: When are Angular libraries useful?

Angular libraries are incredibly beneficial in multiple scenarios, particularly when it comes to reusing code across applications, leveraging community-driven resources, and reducing developmental overheads. Here are a few primary instances where they shine the most:

  1. Code Reusability: Angular libraries allow developers to write code once and use it across several applications. This can save significant development time, ensure consistency, and make maintenance easier.

  2. Community Resources: Angular libraries often encompass solutions provided by the community, allowing developers to leverage past learnings and approaches vetted by a large group of developers.

  3. Reduction in Development Overhead: Angular libraries can simplify complex tasks, provide pre-written solutions for common problems, and help developers to avoid reinventing the wheel.

Chapter 2: What functionalities do Angular libraries usually have?

Angular libraries are typically composed of services, components, and other code files that aim to provide an easily distributable, reusable piece of functionality. Here are some typical functionalities you might find in an Angular library:

  1. UI Components: Libraries often contain custom, reusable UI components such as date pickers, modals, and tables that have been pre-styled and developed.

  2. Utility Functions: Angular libraries also include utility functions that allow developers to perform common tasks easily, such as form validation, date manipulation, and HTTP requests.

  3. Services: Angular libraries may also feature various services, which are classes with a specific purpose. Services in Angular facilitate data sharing between classes and help in organizing and sharing code across an application.

Chapter 3: Gotchas/Pitfalls to Look Out For

While using Angular libraries can be incredibly beneficial, there are also several potential pitfall to keep in mind:

  1. Version Compatibility: Ensure that the Angular library is compatible with the version of Angular that you are using, as using incompatible versions can lead to unexpected bugs.

  2. Size and Performance: While libraries can expedite development, they can also add to the overall size and potentially impact the performance of your application. Therefore, it is important to balance the use of libraries with the performance goals of your project.

  3. Maintenance and Community Support: Itโ€™s also crucial to consider the library's community support and updates, as libraries with poor maintainer support may become obsolete.

Please note that if you're using npm to manage your packages, always remember to use semantic versioning (npm i library_name@version_number) to avoid breaking changes when the libraries update in an incompatible way.