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Npm 2FA Libraries

Most Popular Npm 2FA Libraries

NameSizeLicenseAgeLast Published
otpauth121.79 kBMIT7 Years25 Jul 2023
authenticator7.71 kB(MIT or Apache-2.0)8 Years29 May 2018
node-2fa6.84 kBApache-2.08 Years23 Nov 2021
nexmo131.49 kBMIT12 Years17 Aug 2020
2fa2.77 kBMIT9 Years21 Apr 2015
messagebird40.92 kBBSD-2-Clause10 Years25 Jan 2023
authenticator-cli7.22 kBMPL-2.08 Years19 Apr 2018
react-native-payments37.35 kBMIT6 Years25 May 2021
co-authy18.69 kBMIT9 Years17 Aug 2016
hapi-authy6.78 kBBSD-3-Clause8 Years2 Nov 2015
@levminer/speakeasy16.72 kBMIT3 Years3 Mar 2023
sms77-client20.17 kBMIT4 Years4 Jul 2023
cypress-otp15.33 kBMIT4 Years8 Apr 2020
authy-client41.47 kBMIT7 Years31 Aug 2019
@authsignal/browser28.27 kBMIT1 Years19 Sep 2023

When are 2fa libraries useful?

2fa, short for two-factor authentication, is a significant security measure, adding an extra layer of protection beyond just usernames and passwords. Libraries in this category come in handy in several instances:

  1. Account Protection: Any time application makers want to bolster user accounts against unauthorized access, 2fa libraries provide the tools necessary for robust account security.

  2. Mitigate Brute Force Attacks: 2fa libraries are effective for creating buffers against brute force attacks, often giving users vast defense against hacking.

  3. Access Control: In enterprise setups where access control is crucial, 2fa is often employed to validate that the right individuals gain access to certain data or functionalities.

  4. Compliance: Certain regulations often stipulate the use of 2fa for particular industries. For instance, industries dealing with sensitive user data often need 2fa for compliance.

What functionalities do 2fa libraries usually have?

Typically, 2fa libraries, particularly in JavaScript and when using npm as the package manager, come with several common functionalities:

  1. Challenge Generation: This involves creating codes or challenges that are sent to the user for authentication. This could be via SMS, email, or other means like authenticator apps.

  2. Validation: Libraries often handle the validation of the codes or answers to the challenges. This could also involve generating session-based time limits for these codes.

  3. Integration Methods: Libraries offer principles for integrating the generated challenges and their validation into common communication channels such as SMS or email.

  4. Rate Limiting: To prevent attacks born out of numerous retries, libraries often have structures for rate limiting that stop too many attempts from a single source in a short timespan.

Gotchas/Pitfalls to look out for

Despite the usefulness of 2fa libraries, there are potential slip-ups to watch out for:

  1. Backup codes: Losing access to the second factor may lock users out of their accounts. Libraries should be implemented with backup codes or recovery methods to avoid loss of account access.

  2. Rate Limiting: Without proper rate limiting, attackers can exploit the validation checks with countless retries. Pay careful attention to rate limiting mechanisms.

  3. Failsafe Measures: Without a fail-safe measure in place, 2fa could potentially lock out legitimate users. This could occur if the second factor, e.g., a mobile device, is lost.

  4. SMS as a Channel: Though convenient, SMS is susceptible to interception and should not be solely relied upon. Instead, developers should implement multiple options for delivery of 2fa codes.

  5. Storing Codes: How and where authentication codes are stored can impact security. It is crucial to avoid storing plain text codes and instead hash them securely.

Remember, these libraries should be kept updated with the npm package manager to ensure they are running the latest and most secure versions to avoid potential security loopholes.