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twilio/sdk 8.0.0

A PHP wrapper for Twilio's API
Package summary
Package created
29 May 2012
Version published
4 Apr 2024
Total deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does twilio/sdk do?

The Twilio SDK is a PHP wrapper for the Twilio API. It offers developers an efficient way to interact with the Twilio API and automate communication systems for various applications. This library provides the capabilities for making phone calls, sending SMS messages, and composing automatic responses (or TwiML) among other things.

How do you use twilio/sdk?

To use the Twilio SDK, you firstly need to install it. The recommended installation process is via Composer. By running composer require twilio/sdk in the shell, the package and all its dependencies will be downloaded.

Post installation, you need to include the library in your project. This can be achieved by using the 'require' statement for the autoload.php file in your PHP code. This ensures that the library classes are automatically loaded when needed in your program.

Here is an example of the PHP code to send an SMS using the Twilio SDK:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // Include the library via Composer

// Account SID and Auth Token from your Twilio account
$sid = "ACXXXXXX";
$token = "YYYYYY";
$client = new Twilio\Rest\Client($sid, $token);

// Use the Client to send an SMS
    '+15558675309', // Number to which the SMS should be sent
        'from' => '+15017250604', // Your Twilio phone number
        'body' => "Hey! This is a test message." // The content of the SMS

Keep in mind, to use the Twilio SDK, you need your Twilio account SID and Auth token. The above example shows the process of using these credentials to construct a client, which is then used to send an SMS.

You might want to set your credentials as environment variables before committing code or deploying to production for security purposes.

Where are the twilio/sdk docs?

For a detailed look at how to use the SDK and its various capabilities, check out the official documentation for the Twilio API. In addition to that, a more in-depth guide on how to use the PHP library can be found here. This provides extensive code samples, function definitions, and other essential information required to make effective use of the Twilio SDK.