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symfony/security-csrf v7.0.3

Symfony Security Component - CSRF Library
Package summary
Package created
14 Nov 2013
Version published
23 Jan 2024
Total deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does symfony/security-csrf do?

The Symfony Security CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) component, also known as symfony/security-csrf, is a PHP library that provides vital security functions to your web applications. It includes a class called CsrfTokenManager designed for the generation and validation of CSRF tokens. These tokens are essential in safeguarding your web applications against CSRF attacks which are common types of security threats where the attacker tricks the victim into performing an action without their consent.

How do you use symfony/security-csrf?

Utilizing the symfony/security-csrf package in your PHP application involves installing the package and incorporating the CsrfTokenManager class in your application. As the readme content doesn't contain specific code examples, here's a basic example of how you might use it:

First of all, install the package using composer:

composer require symfony/security-csrf

Following installation, you can generate and validate CSRF tokens using CsrfTokenManager class as shown below:


use Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager;

// Instantiate CsrfTokenManager
$csrfManager = new CsrfTokenManager();

// Generate a CSRF token
$token = $csrfManager->getToken('token_id')->getValue();

// ... use the token in your form

// Validate the CSRF token
$isTokenValid = $csrfManager->isTokenValid(new CsrfToken('token_id', 'token_value'));

if ($isTokenValid) {
    // Perform the secured action
} else {
    // Deny the action or display an error message

Ensure to replace 'token_id' and 'token_value' with the actual token ID and value respectively.

Where are the symfony/security-csrf docs?

The comprehensive documentation for the symfony/security-csrf package can be found on the Symfony website, specifically at Symfony Security component. This guide offers valuable insights on how to use different classes and functions available in the package, assisting developers in integrating the CSRF protection into their PHP applications efficiently. It also provides resources for contributing to the package, reporting issues, and sending pull requests, facilitating a more inclusive user community for the enhancement of the package.