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symfony/property-info v7.0.6

Extracts information about PHP class' properties using metadata of popular sources
Package summary
Package created
26 Sep 2015
Version published
28 Mar 2024
Total deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does symfony/property-info do?

The symfony/property-info is a component of Symfony that is designed to gather and extract information about PHP class properties. This powerful tool can gather this information using metadata from a number of popular sources, providing an incredibly efficient way to obtain comprehensive details about a class' properties. The symfony/property-info component is extremely versatile and can be very beneficial in a variety of PHP coding scenarios.

How do you use symfony/property-info?

To use the symfony/property-info, you would need to first install the package via Composer by using the following command: composer require symfony/property-info. Once the package is installed, you can use it in your PHP code:

use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractor;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\ReflectionExtractor;
use Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor;

$reflectionExtractor = new ReflectionExtractor();
$phpDocExtractor = new PhpDocExtractor();
$propertyInfo = new PropertyInfoExtractor(

// Get properties' type
$types = $propertyInfo->getTypes('Fully\Qualified\Class\Name', 'propertyName');
$propertyType = $types[0]->getBuiltinType(); // string, int, array, ...

// Get properties' description
$propertyDescription = $propertyInfo->getShortDescription('Fully\Qualified\Class\Name', 'propertyName');

This is a basic example and actual use may vary depending on the complexity of the class properties you are dealing with. This package can be an incredibly handy tool in dealing with PHP classes and their associated properties.

Where are the symfony/property-info docs?

The official documentation for symfony/property-info can be found on the Symfony website at this link. The documentation provides an in-depth overview of the component, including detailed installation and usage instructions, as well as examples and tips for effectively using symfony/property-info in your PHP projects. For further community assistance and to report issues or contribute to the project, references are available to the main Symfony repository and the associated GitHub pages.