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symfony/maker-bundle v1.54.0

Symfony Maker helps you create empty commands, controllers, form classes, tests and more so you can forget about writing boilerplate code.
Package summary
Package created
17 Nov 2017
Version published
6 Feb 2024
Total deps
Direct deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does symfony/maker-bundle do?

Symfony Maker Bundle is a tool designed to speed up the development process in Symfony projects by automating the generation of common boilerplate code. This package aids in creating a multitude of elements such as controllers, commands, form classes, event subscribers, and even tests, thus reducing the time spent on coding these manually. An alternative to SensioGeneratorBundle, it targets modern Symfony applications and requires Symfony 3.4 or newer and Symfony Flex for optimal performance.

How do you use symfony/maker-bundle?

To utilize Symfony Maker Bundle, start by installing it into your Symfony project. This can be achieved via Composer, the PHP dependency manager, with the command composer require maker --dev. After successfully installing the package, you can run php bin/console make:command your-command-name to create a command, php bin/console make:controller YourController to create a controller, and so forth for other elements. The pattern is simple: use the make: prefix followed by the element you want to create and the name you want to give it. Keep in mind that the input arguments and generated code may change between minor release versions.

Where are the symfony/maker-bundle docs?

For comprehensive information, refer to the official Symfony Maker Bundle documentation provided on the Symfony website at Symfony Maker Bundle Documentation. Here you can find detailed usage examples, additional commands, guidelines on extending Maker commands, and an explanation of how to handle potential backwards compatibility issues between release versions.