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spatie/laravel-ignition 2.5.1

A beautiful error page for Laravel applications.
Package summary
Package created
17 May 2021
Version published
2 Apr 2024
Total deps
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does spatie/laravel-ignition do?

Spatie's laravel-ignition is an appealing and customizable error screen for Laravel applications. It serves as the default error screen for new Laravel projects, providing a visually pleasing and informative interface when encountering errors during development. Besides, laravel-ignition packages offer an option to openly share errors on Flare. If the software is set up with an appropriate Flare API key, errors occurring in a production environment can be logged, and users can receive notifications whenever they arise. Laravel-ignition is compatible with Laravel 8 & 9 applications running on PHP 8.0 and up. For Laravel 5.x, 6.x or 7.x, and older PHP versions, using facade/ignition is recommended.

How do you use spatie/laravel-ignition?

Using Spatie's laravel-ignition is straightforward with composer. To get started, you need to require the package using Composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-ignition

Once the package is in your project, any errors that occur will be displayed via the Ignition interface, thus significantly enhancing the debugging experience.

Where are the spatie/laravel-ignition docs?

The official documentation for Spatie's laravel-ignition package can be found on the Flare website. The documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to set up and use Ignition effectively in your Laravel projects. Through the documentation, users can learn about the unique facets of ignition, explore how to utilize its features, and gain insights on best practices for the handling of errors in Laravel applications. Furthermore, demo features and design decisions can also be found on corresponding YouTube video and blog posts.